Image by Adan Torres Fotografia
How do you make a beautifully designed room or building look even more amazing? Hire a photographer! Well trained photographers can take a design project and make it look like it belongs on the cover of a shelter magazine. Locally-based photographer, Adan Torres of Adan Torres Fotografia specializes in architecture and interior photography and beautifully captures the essence of any room. Many local businesses have trusted Torres to capture their work, including Room and Board and various architectural firms across the Twin Cities. I had the opportunity to interview Torres (via email) about his love of photography and his inspiration behind his work. Read on after the jump to read the interview and see more photos of Torres’ work.
Image by Adan Torres Fotografia
When did you first become interested in photography?

How did you decide to pursue photography as your career?
Adan Torres Fotografia offers Commercial Photography services specializing in Architecture, Interior, Adventure and Editorial photography.
What influences your work?
Many things influence my work. Other artists not necessarily in the medium of photography influence me. Painters, filmmakers, dance, visual artists, etc. I often am most influenced through conversations and connections. As a photographer shooting for a client, I want to connect and understand their vision… that’s the first step, once there I then figure out how I can put my stamp on it through my camera without losing sight of the original scope. It’s a fantastic balancing act.
Image by Adan Torres Fotografia
What is the most rewarding aspect of photography?
The most rewarding aspect of photography is not so much the images, but the confidence that a client has in you, enough to recommend you to another client. To me that is the top. Word of mouth and referrals are what make it all worth while.
Do you have a favorite place that you have photographed?
My favorite place? That’s a tough one…. I’d say as of recent South America, specifically the Aisen Region of Chile. It’s a wondrous place filled with cerulean blue water like you’ve never seen. Glaciers hang delicately overhead quenching the thirst of the earth. You have to see it to believe it. Morocco is a very, very close second.
What is the best piece of professional advice you have received? How does it apply to your current work?
The best advice I’ve ever received came from a painting my friend Neal Crosbie made… it’s titled “Even Hurry Slowly”. To this day it’s been my mantra.
What are your professional goals?
My professional goals as a photographer are to create images that not only satisfy my client and my needs, to have a level of uncanny trust and confidence in the people I work with and along side and to continually be pushing my own boundaries and education. I’m currently working on self-publishing a book of my personal work, that’s been a goal of mine for years. I look forward to seeing it in print in the very near future.
As an artist, what would you like to be known for?
The hardest question! I’d like to be known for a consistent level of professionalism and kindness. A different perspective and a quality of work that is still viable for years to come.