
Apartment Hunting Tips

We are getting to the time of year where so many of us have to start thinking about our current apartment situation and whether we should stay or whether it is time to see if the grass is greener in the other pasture.  With the days of online ads, it is pretty easy to line up showings and get some generic pictures of the exterior or the interior, but what are the more important things that we should be thinking of when choosing a place to live in the metro area?

What places are important to live next to?  What are some things to be cautious of when looking at a new place?  What are some of your favorite places to live in the Twin Cities?  What are some tips that you have for apartment hunters in the cities?  Please share them in the comment section below!

1 thought on “Apartment Hunting Tips”

  • Live within walking distance of key amenities. You never know when you need (or want) to be without a car, and a walkable neighborhood is critical to health and happiness.

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