Winters in Minnesota means it is time for hibernation. We start collecting things to occupy our time inside so we don’t have to go brave the cold to find entertainment. Perhaps due to the tumultuous economic climate and the long, extremely cold spells we endured, it seems that we have big collections of stuff lying around to keep ourselves amused. Where have we gotten this stuff? With a combination of the winter holidays, the dollar aisle at Target, and advertisers showing us tons of products at reduced products, we start to think that we need this stuff while the prices are still low. When springtime rolls around, what are we left with? A house or apartment filled to the brim with stuff we think we need but we really don’t.
I am going to dedicate this week to spring cleaning because it is something that we all hate to do, but it is necessary to get done. With some tips and lists on how to get your home organized, then perhaps the job can go quicker and won’t be as much of a pain.
To start things off, I am going to post some links to some other websites that give tips as to how to get the job done.
It seems that Martha always has something to say about everything home related, including cleaning tips. Here is a link to her website that has a ton of tips to make your home looking fresher:
Reader’s Digest also has a great article on the 8 major hot sports you should not miss: breaks it up by room:
I also came across this site that offers some great tips:
I can’t cover everything this week, but hopefully these links will provide some great ideas to get the ball rolling.