
Tips to stay cool and save energy

We are ending July and we will be hitting August, the month known for high humidity, frizzy hair, and desperately trying to find any way to stay cool. Linden Hills’ Natural Built Home offers the following tips to try and stay cool in your home while being energy efficient:

Run ceiling fans in a clockwise direction to create a wind-chill effect that will make you “feel” 8-10 degrees cooler. Remember that ceiling fans cool people, not rooms — so turn them off when you leave the room.
Set your AC at 75 (or even 78) degrees. You can reduce your summer cooling costs by about 4% for every degree warmer you set the thermostat, according to Lee Schipper of UC Berkley
Cover Your Windows. Drawing your shades or investing in items like a shade screen can keep your room up to 12 degrees cooler in the summer.
Thinking of a new roof? Look into an Energy Star rated roof. These roofs will reflect more of the sun’s rays keeping your whole house cooler. The less heat that gets in the less you (or your AC) has to work to keep it cool! For extra credit, look into putting a green roof on your home. It helps keep the heat away as well as helping to mitigate storm water runoff

SALE!!! Natural Build Home is also offering a sale on some of their FLOR carpet styles, bamboo flooring, exterior paint and many other product. The sale runs through August 8th.

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